This site is provided by 1stQuote, a trading name of BDML Connect Limited, part of Capita Plc, 1000 Lakeside North Harbour, Western Road, Portsmouth PO6 3EN. Registered in England number 2785540, BDML Connect Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority 309140

At 1stQuote we strive to provide our customers with insurance cover at our lowest possible price. We have in place for your benefit many long-standing schemes across the insurance market, and with the aid of superior technology and an innovative approach to our business, we are confident of meeting all your insurance requirements by quoting our lowest price possible.

Over Thirty Years Experience
With our knowledge and experience of the insurance business, we will endeavour to ensure that when your policy falls due for renewal our premiums will be competitively priced without compromising your cover. Our quotation and renewal teams are on hand to take your call at the following times: Customer Helplines
As a policyholder you may at some time in the future wish to change your policy. Whatever the reason we have in place multiple Customer Service help lines which are manned six days a week (please see above times) to offer a speedy and responsive service. Please note that administration charges may apply in addition to any insurer charges. Please refer to your policy's terms of business.

In the event of an accident or a claim our dedicated Claims Department will endeavour to have you back on the road in the shortest possible time and where possible will recover any Uninsured Losses you may have suffered on your behalf.