Important Statements
The Fortis Travel Insurance policy contains health restrictions. You must be able to make the following declaration for yourself, anyone travelling with you, a close relative or business associate who the trip will depend on.

For you or anyone travelling with you.

  As far as I know the following apply.
a. Nobody is waiting for an operation, hospital consultation (other than for regular check ups), or other hospital treatment or investigations.

b. Nobody has received treatment, other than regular medication, in the last 12 months for;
any blood disorder;   any psychiatric illness;
any form of cancer, leukaemia or tumour   dialysis treatment; or
a transplant;   dementia

c. Nobody has any breathing or heart problem which has needed hospital treatment more than once in the last 12 months.

d. Nobody has been seen by a specialist in the last three months (other than for regular check ups) or been admitted to a hospital overnight.

e. Nobody has been diagnosed by a registered doctor as having a terminal condition.

f. I do not know of any reason (other than medical) why the trip is likely to be cancelled or cut short.
  If you, or anyone travelling with you cannot agree with this declaration then you cannot take out this insurance. If you contact us on 020 8307 5000 we may be able to refer the matter to the insurer's who may be able to offer alternative cover.
  If there is a change in your medical condition or the medical condition of anyone travelling with you (after you have taken out this insurance, but before you travel) and you can no longer agree with the declaration, you must contact the Fortis Health Line immediately on 08701 222 039 quoting Scheme code FT1. They will tell you if cover can continue. If we cannot continue cover, you may claim for the cost of cancelling at that time.
  For a close relative or business associate who is not travelling and whose health may effect the trip.
  If, at the time of taking out this insurance (or booking the trip if this was later) your close relative or business associate had a medical condition for which he or she:
  was receiving treatment at hospital;
  was waiting for a hospital consultant or treatment;
  had been given a terminal prognosis, or been told that their condition is likely to get worse in the next 12 months;
  we will not pay for any problem which has anything to do with that medical condition.
  For annual multi-trip cover, you must agree with this declaration each time you book a trip.


  I have read the declaration and as far as I know I can agree with the statements above.